Here at 14 Taree Street, Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast Dons Removals have their own storage facility accomodating short and long term storage solutions. We own 5 large two storey storage warehouses and also 32 20ft containers covering all bases of the needs for accessibility, size and how we can suit our storage to each individual client.
Some questions that you need to ask before selecting your storage facility are:
How long do I need storage for?
Whether you’re decluttering, in transition of homes, going around the world on a holiday or just need that extra space you may need to ask yourself how long you are needing storage for. This will help you work out your budget, how you should pack your goods, what suburb you are willing to travel to to access your goods if needed and how your removalist needs to stack your furniture.
We provide storage for as little or as long as you need, no matter what you require we can accomodate.
We understand that sometimes time frames are pushed out longer or maybe you just don’t need the storage for as long as you thought, we do not lock you into a contract and as a family business we are flexible on what your needs may be and will help where we can.
How much storage do I need?
Depending on what is being storage will depend on what type of area you need. If you are moving houses/office/etc with a removalist your best option would be to ask your removal company how big of an area they believe you need. For example an average three bedroom home can look between the areas of a 3x4m – 3x6m area (up to 45m3), a large four bedroom could look at 3x6m – 3x8m area (up to 80m3).
Send through a list of items to our email and we can give you an idea on how big or small of an area you may require for your specific needs.
Do I need access to my goods while they are being stored?
Depending on what you are storing and for how long you might find you need access to your belongings etc. Our warehouse facility is kept more so for clients that have a longer term storage need and do not require constant access to their goods.
Our containers are suited more for our clients who have asked for more access as the container is completely hired by them, not shared with anyone else and has a very easy access point on our yard should you require a ute/truck to load/unload.
When putting goods into storage ask your removalists to keep things you may need at the front of your storage so that if you do require them they are easy to get to (clothes, filing cabinet, office work, Christmas decorations, etc).
How are the goods kept?
If you are requiring storage throughout the months of Queenslands hot summer you need to be wary of the condition, airflow and temperature of your selected storage area. This will illuminate the idea of possible mould, smell and keep condition of your goods.
Here at Dons our storages areas are completely ventilated, cool and monitored for temperature throughout the year so that your possessions are kept in the best condition possible like if they were sitting at your home.
Is my storage area secure?
An important question you need to ask before selecting your storage facility is what type of security do they have in place for your goods? Am I in a shed next to someone that could cut my lock? Is this facility managed?
Dons Storage provides a very high security yard and take pride in our top measures to ensure your prized possessions are in the best hands. Our complex is managed throughout office hours once our manger has finished our barbed wire fence/gates are locked and our security company takes over for the night. Along with this our warehouses and containers are 24hour CCTV’d, our warehouses are fitted with motion detectors, both containers and warehouses are locked and our staff are clear on authorisation of each clients furniture.